Transforming Colorado through unified worship and prayer.

Join us in united worship and prayer.

Explore our schedule of gatherings, worship sets, and special events. Whether you come to lift your voice in worship or to seek a quiet moment of prayer, you’ll find a space devoted to uniting hearts in the presence of God and advancing His kingdom together.

  • Partner With Us

    Thank you to all who generously support our cause through one-time or monthly donations. Your tax-deductible contributions aid our mission of 24/6 prayer and worship. We are experiencing transformative growth in the ministry, with many lives healed and God honored. This is just the beginning of an extraordinary journey ahead!

  • Prayer Wall

    If you have a specific prayer request or need for support, we would genuinely love to partner with you on this journey. Please take a moment to share your request on our prayer wall, where we can come together and unite in faith and prayer with one another.

  • Old Stone Church

    Many have inquired about the journey that brought the Colorado House of Prayer to the OSC. We currently rent the facility but believe God is leading us to purchase it. We are eager to share our strategy and hope this story inspires you as it has us!

A place where worship and prayer never stop.

Our mission is to unify the Church in persistent worship and prayer—lifting voices day and night in the presence of God. Our passion is for unity, the presence of God, and advancing His kingdom.

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